Find The Right Fuse.
Interactive Fuse Box Diagrams.
Select your car from 1200+ models to view an interactive fuse box diagram.
In 2017, we created a database of car fuse diagrams. At the time, no similar websites existed. Hundreds of hours spent searching through car manuals, diagrams, and manually inputting data led to the creation of one of the world's largest car fuse databases.
Over the years, technology has evolved, and today most internet users access websites via smartphones, especially when searching for a specific fuse for their vehicle. Unfortunately, most fuse diagrams were available only as static images, often hard to read on mobile devices. Interactivity was also a challenge – or rather, completely absent. Users had to manually browse through all the diagrams for a specific vehicle model to find the right one.
Thankfully, web technology has also advanced. Modern websites are now fully interactive and optimized for mobile devices. Building on the success of our initial project, we have embarked on creating something entirely new – an interactive car fuse catalog designed specifically for mobile users (app-like). The project is being developed using Symfony and Vue.js frameworks to ensure the best possible user experience.